Ayurveda is a combination of two Sanskrit words - Ayu means Life and Veda means Knowledge.
Ayurveda is a distinctive, natural system of medicine practised and perfected over centuries by Indian Physicians. The scientific, holistic system of medicine, uses palliative and eliminative measures to body as well as mind in an attempt to preserve good health.
Human body is blend of five basic elements - Pancha maha bhoothas. They are the Prithvi, Apna, Thejus, Vayu, Akash.
These five elements are coded into three biological forces which govern all life process including the human body. They are Vatha, Pitha and Kapha, Known as Tridoshas. Any imbalance among the Tridoshas causes a state of unhealthiness or disease. Ayurveda suggests specific remedial measures and treatments to the individual, to correct these imbalances and bring back the state of healthiness.
The Ayurvedic practitioners of Kerala have developed proven treatment modalities and therapies which are highly effective in many health problems.